How Long Does Semaglutide Stay in Your System?

After you get an injection, semaglutide stays in your system for a long time, compared to other treatments. How much time will you have this glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) agonist in your body after you take it? You will find the answer here!

Keep reading to learn more about this medication and the effects of having it in your system. If you want to learn more about semaglutide, visit our website now. We have plenty of other blog posts on the matter.

When Does Semaglutide Start Kicking in?

To understand how long semaglutide stays on you, you must first know when it starts kicking in. This medication starts working as soon as you get your first injection, but you will see its full potential within a few months.

You will feel the initial changes in your appetite and feeling of fullness within the first weeks. That, of course, will lead you to eating less naturally. The weight loss results of this treatment are noticeable within eight to 12 weeks of using it.

Glucose control will increase within 4 weeks or so. Semaglutide takes a bit to reach steady levels in your bloodstream.

How Long Does Semaglutide Stay in Your System?

As mentioned before, this medication stays in your system for long. That makes its cardiometabolic effects keep showing after stopping semaglutide. However, here is a more specific breakdown of how it leaves your body:


The term “half-life” describes how long it takes for your body to remove half of the medication. Semaglutide’s half-life is 7 days. Remember that these apply to an average patient, but the effects may differ slightly depending on individual factors.

Gradual Emptying

After you take your last dosage, this glucagon-like peptide 1 agonist will gradually leave your system. This process will last about 5 weeks.

So, it is estimated that after 5 weeks since the last semaglutide injection, most of the drug is fully eliminated from your body.

Why Knowing How Long Semaglutide Stays in Your Body Matters

Understanding how long semaglutide remains in your system is important in several situations, such as surgery or pregnancy planning.

Stopping Semaglutide Before Surgery

Semaglutide slows down the emptying of food from your stomach, which can be an issue if you’re having surgery. Even if you’ve followed the recommended fasting guidelines, your stomach might not be empty. Any remaining contents could come back up and enter your lungs while you’re under general anesthesia.

If you have surgery planned, you should stop taking semaglutide at least one week prior.

Stopping Semaglutide Before Pregnancy

The effects of semaglutide during pregnancy haven’t been well studied in humans, so the potential risks are not fully known. However, animal studies have shown an increased risk of miscarriage and birth defects with semaglutide. That’s why semaglutide is generally not recommended during pregnancy.

If you are planning to get pregnant, your doctor will likely advise you to stop taking semaglutide at least 2 months before trying to conceive.

Stopping Semaglutide Due to Side Effects

Because of its long half-life, the side effects of semaglutide may not disappear immediately after the medication is removed. However, they should improve over several weeks as your body clears the drug.

Does Semaglutide Cause Withdrawal Symptoms?

Generally, it is safe to stop taking semaglutide cold turkey. Some medications can cause withdrawal symptoms or other serious side effects if you stop them abruptly. Semaglutide is not known to cause withdrawal symptoms. Moreover, it remains in your body for weeks after the last dose, so you don’t need to taper off gradually.

Clinical Implications of Having Semaglutide in Your System

Although the half-life of semaglutide is one week, it takes much longer for the medication to leave your body. While semaglutide is still in your body, you will continue to experience the following benefits of the treatment.

Reduced Cardiovascular Risks

One of the main benefits of taking this glucagon-like peptide 1 agonist is that it reduces cardiovascular risks. Patients taking semaglutide are less likely to suffer heart attacks and strokes.

Improved Sugar Control

Semaglutide promotes sugar control. It does that by stimulating insulin secretion and suppressing glucagon release.

Since it reduces sugar levels, this medication gives you better glycemic control. Keep in mind that this only works that way if you include a healthy diet and exercise in your treatment plan.

Appetite Reduction

Semaglutide signals your brain to stop eating after you’ve had enough food. That makes you feel fuller for longer and with smaller portions.

Final Thoughts

Semaglutide takes about 5 weeks to fully leave your system. While that happens, you will still experience the medical implications of the medication.

The only thing you need to watch out for throughout the process of quitting this treatment is the withdrawal effects. However, semaglutide withdrawal effects are rare. If you are concerned about this, you can ask your doctor to guide you through the process and ensure that stopping the medication is done correctly.

If you are interested in buying semaglutide online, don’t hesitate to go to our websites ( or SemaGenex). We have more information about how this treatment works there, so it’s also the best way to learn more about this new weight loss method.

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